Deadline was on 16th of February 2025
Tromsø 10th of March
Bergen 11th of March
Stavanger 12th of March
Kristiansand 13th of March
Trondheim 15th of March
Oslo 22nd and 23rd of March
Digital audition week 9 and 10
About auditions:
Auditions are held annually and are valid for one season at a time. One season consists of a Summer Course, US Kammer Autumn and US Kammer Spring. The audition will take place in March 2025.
Who can apply:
Music students who can document a high level on their instrument may apply for the course. Applicants must be students at a music academy or similar institution for the performing arts, attending upper secondary school or folk high school. The age limit for the course is 18–28 years.
If two participants show the same level and suitability during auditions, priority will be given to participants with connections to Norway i.e Norwegian citizens or students at institutions in Norway.
All interested candidates must apply via our application platform.
The audition repertoire mostly consists of orchestral excerpts. Candidates will receive the required repertoire for their instrument after registering an application.
Audition process:
Ungdomssymfonikerne wishes to offer relevant audition experience for all candidates.
Auditions are held in all Norwegian cities who offer higher education in music. The auditions in Oslo will be live in front of a jury. In Bergen, Kristiansand, Stavanger, Trondheim and Tromsø the auditions are held in front of Ungdomssymfonikernes staff who will make a video recording. The recording will be shown to the jury in Oslo.
For candidates who will not be able to attend the live auditions, we’ll arrange digital auditions. You’ll play for one of Ungdomssymfonikernes staff members who’ll make a recording of your audition. The recording will be shown to the jury in Oslo.
All candidates who audition live at Norges musikkhøgskole will get the possibility to receive feedback from the jury. Note that the feedback only consists of comments directly linked to your performance. Feedback will not include any information regarding ranking, allocation of parts etc.
The results from the auditions will be sent out as soon as the jury have made their decisions. If there are any open seats there might be a secondary audition.
Rankings and part division:
Whether or not you’ll be granted a place on the courses depends on the results of the audition. Allocation of parts/seating will be decided by the jury together with the instructors of the course. Participation on the Summer Course might be emphasized in the selection of participation for the following chamber courses.
Season 2025/2026:
Updates about the programme, instructors and concert places will soon be posted on our website.
Information about the summer course.
Questions regarding the application and audition can be addressed to the producer of The Norwegian National Youth Orchestra, by e-mail: producer@ungsymf.no