

The course is free of charge:
The course is free of charge and includes accommodation and meals.

Travel refund:
There will be a deductible fee for travel at 600 NOK. We cover costs between 600 and 2000 NOK, in other words 1400 NOK.

It is assumed that the trip is either from a study or home location and that the travel time is related to the course period.

ECTS Credits:
Participants in the Norwegian National Youth Orchestra can receive ECTS credit from the Norwegian Academy of Music. It is given 2 credits for each of the programs in the summer, and 2 credits for each of the chamber courses. A total of 10 credits granted to students who have been involved in all this seasons program.

Participants are required to have their own health-, travel- and instrument insurance.


Leave of absence:
Leave of absence is only granted by application in writing to the administration of the Norwegian National Youth Orchestra. Applicants who withdraw from the course after signing the contract may be held responsible for any costs resulting from this, depending on the cause of the breach of contract. In the case of illness, participants will be required to provide a doctor’s certificate.